How we do it

Market Research

We use a well-defined research methodology to pinpoint the demand for your offering within the oil and gas vertical.
We know the industry font and back and our reputation is well recognized. Our special status as an independent third-party insider allows us to conduct  interviews with real business leaders to determine your best path into the market. 
Your product or service solves a problem. We will identify who has that problem, what’s the business value of the solution and who receives the most benefit. We then determine which segment of the market is most likely to buy. 

Marketing Strategy

We take our research findings and give you an vertically-tailored marketing foundation.

Tailoring your story for a particular vertical is about more than just inserting a few key phrases. Oil and gas leaders want to know how your offering creates value in specific business scenarios. And they want to know how it’s better than what they’re already doing.

We can define the personas and add the right industry context to your sales enablement collection — from slides decks to solution briefs to web landing pages. We can also educate your sales and marketing teams to better understand industry drivers and how your offering competes with others in the same space.


We help you get you build credibility and get your message in front of the right audience.

Every buyer in the oil and gas industry pays attention to a variety of information sources — publications, blogs, events, podcasts, social media. These influencers vary from one segment to the next and it’s not always obvious which are the most influential.

We can help you identify the best influencers for your offering and develop a plan for creating visibility in the right places. This includes giving you access to our sister company — Oil and Gas Global Network — which is one of the most recognized broadcast media outlets in the industry.

We give you the alignment and credibility
you need to win big in a tough market.
