Carbon. A lot of misinformation about carbon. Let’s see if we can help set it straight. Carbon is star dust. It is also the fourth most abundant element in...
Oil and Gas decision makers, how do you get in front of them? When I got my start 25 years ago in this industry, they were oil and gas decision makers....
Finding the right Oil and Gas Speaker can be a challenge, so we decided to help. Oil and gas speaker, how do you choose the right one? If you’re...
Selling to the oil and gas industry using podcasts, let me share what we’ve learned. The first thing is why a podcast? Many reasons a podcast makes a great...
Oil and Gas Predictions for 2022 It’s that time of the year, it’s time for our Oil and Gas Predictions for 2022. Before we get into that, I want...
Oil and Gas sales experts, getting ready for 2022. What the hell this year with vaccine protocols, virtual selling, remote meetings, canceled business trips, no trade shows, and somebody...